看看我的方法为什么显示不出来 SetDIBits

a78113534 2009-08-26 09:04:15
我的程序的目的是 从屏幕上不同位置截了两张图 逐个象素分析 不同的涂红 现在这个程序对于用picture属性载入的图片是可以工作的 但是要复制截图就要用到bitblt 这是复制到picture还是image啊?总之对于bitblt到的图片一点效果都没有
下面是主要程序 请帮帮忙看看哪里不对 ,要不然就只能用缓慢的point和pset了

Dim ix As Integer
Dim iy As Integer
Dim iWidth As Integer '以像素为单位的图形宽度
Dim iHeight As Integer '以像素为单位的图形高度

Dim bits() As Byte '存放图1
Dim bitsBW() As Byte ''存放图2

ScrHwnd = GetDesktopWindow()
ScrDc = GetDC(ScrHwnd)

BitBlt Picture1.hdc, 0, 0, 500, 452, ScrDc, 7, 189, vbSrcCopy
BitBlt Picture2.hdc, 0, 0, 500, 452, ScrDc, 516, 189, vbSrcCopy
Picture2.Picture = Picture2.Image
Picture1.Picture = Picture1.Image

iWidth = 500
iHeight = 452
Dim bi24BitInfo As BitMapInfo
With bi24BitInfo.bmiHeader
.biBitCount = 32
.biCompression = 0&
.biPlanes = 1
.biSize = Len(bi24BitInfo.bmiHeader)
.biWidth = iWidth
.biHeight = Picture1.ScaleHeight / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
End With

ReDim bits(3, 0 To iWidth, 0 To iHeight) As Byte'图1
ReDim bitsBW(3, 0 To iWidth, 0 To iHeight) As Byte'图2

lrtn = GetDIBits(Picture1.hdc, Picture1.Picture.Handle, 0&, iHeight, bits(0, 0, 0), bi24BitInfo, 0&)
lrtn2 = GetDIBits(Picture2.hdc, Picture2.Picture.Handle, 0&, iHeight, bitsBW(0, 0, 0), bi24BitInfo, 0&)

For ix = 0 To iWidth
For iy = 0 To iHeight

If RGB(bits(2, ix, iy), bits(1, ix, iy), bits(0, ix, iy)) <> RGB(bitsBW(2, ix, iy), bitsBW(1, ix, iy), bitsBW(0, ix, iy)) Then
bits(2, ix, iy) = 255'逐个象素比较
bits(1, ix, iy) = 0
bits(0, ix, iy) = 0
End If

Picture1.Picture = Picture1.Image

SetDIBits Picture1.hdc, Picture1.Picture.Handle, 0&, iHeight, bits(0, 0, 0), bi24BitInfo, 0&
Picture1.Picture = Picture1.Image
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a78113534 2009-08-30
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有一点奇怪 为什么只用二维数组存储呢 ..用三维另外一维存储颜色比较直观一点
a78113534 2009-08-27
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Soyokaze 2009-08-27
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Option Explicit

Private Declare Function CreateCompatibleDC Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CreateCompatibleBitmap Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SelectObject Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function DeleteObject Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function DeleteDC Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function ReleaseDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hdc As Long) As Long
Private Type BITMAPINFOHEADER '40 bytes
biSize As Long
biWidth As Long
biHeight As Long
biPlanes As Integer
biBitCount As Integer
biCompression As Long
biSizeImage As Long
biXPelsPerMeter As Long
biYPelsPerMeter As Long
biClrUsed As Long
biClrImportant As Long
End Type
Private Type RGBQUAD
rgbBlue As Byte
rgbGreen As Byte
rgbRed As Byte
rgbReserved As Byte
End Type

Private Declare Function GetObject Lib "gdi32" Alias "GetObjectA" (ByVal hObject As Long, ByVal nCount As Long, lpObject As Any) As Long
Private Type BITMAP '14 bytes
bmType As Long
bmWidth As Long
bmHeight As Long
bmWidthBytes As Long
bmPlanes As Integer
bmBitsPixel As Integer
bmBits As Long
End Type
bmiColors As RGBQUAD
End Type
Private Const BI_RGB = 0&
Private Declare Function GetDIBits Lib "gdi32" (ByVal aHDC As Long, ByVal hBitmap As Long, ByVal nStartScan As Long, ByVal nNumScans As Long, lpBits As Any, lpBI As BITMAPINFO, ByVal wUsage As Long) As Long
Private Const DIB_RGB_COLORS = 0 ' color table in RGBs
Private Declare Function BitBlt Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDestDC As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal hSrcDC As Long, ByVal xSrc As Long, ByVal ySrc As Long, ByVal dwRop As Long) As Long
Private Type RECT
Left As Long
Top As Long
Right As Long
Bottom As Long
End Type
Private Declare Function SetRect Lib "user32" (lpRect As RECT, ByVal X1 As Long, ByVal Y1 As Long, ByVal X2 As Long, ByVal Y2 As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function StretchDIBits Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal dx As Long, ByVal dy As Long, ByVal SrcX As Long, ByVal SrcY As Long, ByVal wSrcWidth As Long, ByVal wSrcHeight As Long, lpBits As Any, lpBitsInfo As BITMAPINFO, ByVal wUsage As Long, ByVal dwRop As Long) As Long

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim rcSnap As RECT

Dim hDCDst As Long
Dim rectDst As RECT
Dim hBmpSrc As Long
Dim hDCSrc As Long
Dim hBmpOri As Long
Dim hDCScreen As Long

Call SetRect(rcSnap, 500, 100, 800, 300)
hDCDst = Picture1.hdc

hDCScreen = GetDC(0)
hDCSrc = CreateCompatibleDC(hDCScreen)
hBmpSrc = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hDCScreen, rcSnap.Right - rcSnap.Left, rcSnap.Bottom - rcSnap.Top)
hBmpOri = SelectObject(hDCSrc, hBmpSrc)
Call BitBlt(hDCSrc, 0, 0, rcSnap.Right - rcSnap.Left, rcSnap.Bottom - rcSnap.Top, hDCScreen, rcSnap.Left, rcSnap.Top, vbSrcCopy)
Call ReleaseDC(0, hDCScreen)
Call SelectObject(hDCSrc, hBmpOri)
Call DeleteDC(hDCSrc)

Dim bmp As BITMAP
Call GetObject(hBmpSrc, Len(bmp), bmp)

' 源位图像素位转换为 DIB
Dim bmpinfo As BITMAPINFO
With bmpinfo.bmiHeader
.biSize = Len(bmpinfo.bmiHeader)
.biWidth = bmp.bmWidth
.biHeight = bmp.bmHeight
.biPlanes = 1
.biBitCount = 24
.biCompression = BI_RGB
End With

Dim cbPerLine As Long
cbPerLine = (bmp.bmWidth * 3 + 3) And &HFFFFFFFC

Dim bBits() As Byte
ReDim bBits(cbPerLine - 1, bmp.bmHeight - 1) As Byte
Call GetDIBits(hDCDst, hBmpSrc, 0, bmp.bmHeight, ByVal VarPtr(bBits(0, 0)), bmpinfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS)
Call DeleteObject(hBmpSrc)

Dim bGray As Integer
Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long
For j = 0 To bmp.bmHeight - 1
For i = 0 To bmp.bmWidth - 1
k = i * 3
bGray = (CLng(bBits(k, j)) * 29 + CLng(bBits(k + 1, j)) * 150 + CLng(bBits(k + 2, j)) * 77 + 128) / 256
If bGray > 255 Then
bGray = 255
End If
bBits(k, j) = bGray
bBits(k + 1, j) = bGray
bBits(k + 2, j) = bGray
Next i
Next j

'将设好的位绘制到目标 DC
Call SetRect(rectDst, 0, 0, bmp.bmWidth, bmp.bmHeight)
Call StretchDIBits(hDCDst, rectDst.Left, rectDst.Top, rectDst.Right - rectDst.Left, rectDst.Bottom - rectDst.Top, 0, 0, bmp.bmWidth, bmp.bmHeight, ByVal VarPtr(bBits(0, 0)), bmpinfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS, vbSrcCopy)
Set Picture1.Picture = Picture1.Image
End Sub
a78113534 2009-08-27
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多谢二楼的 现在还是不行啊
我把biBitCount改成了24 出来的东西就是一行一行的了 另外 您说的bits的第一维和第二微需要做什么改变呢?谢谢
我贴出来 是这样的 改过之后

iWidth = Picture1.ScaleWidth / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
iHeight = Picture1.ScaleHeight / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY

Dim bi24BitInfo As BitMapInfo
With bi24BitInfo.bmiHeader
.biBitCount = 24
.biCompression = 0&
.biPlanes = 1
.biSize = Len(bi24BitInfo.bmiHeader)
.biWidth = iWidth
.biHeight = iHeight
LineBytes = (iWidth * 3 + 3) And &HFFFFFFFC
.biSizeImage = LineBytes * iHeight
End With

ReDim bits(3, 0 To iWidth, 0 To iHeight) As Byte
ReDim bitsBW(3, 0 To iWidth, 0 To iHeight) As Byte

lrtn = GetDIBits(Picture1.hdc, Picture1.Picture.Handle, 0&, iHeight, bits(0, 0, 0), bi24BitInfo, 0&)
lrtn2 = GetDIBits(Picture2.hdc, Picture2.Picture.Handle, 0&, iHeight, bitsBW(0, 0, 0), bi24BitInfo, 0&)

king06 2009-08-27
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Soyokaze 2009-08-27
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改动后的24位位图,宽度(像素单位)和每行的字节数的计算式是:cbScanLine = (cx * 3 + 3) And &HFFFFFFFC

贝隆 2009-08-26
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