求yuv420 缩放的源码

liushiyao321 2010-09-07 04:49:14
求yuv420 缩放的源码,最好是来源于opensource的
国外有什么 好的多媒体开发的论坛,尤其是opensource比较多那种多媒体开发论坛,
要是我在给出论坛上找到了 yuv420缩放的源码,分照给
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qiuqiu173 2013-02-20
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我有C++的,需要的联系我 typedef struct _VSImage { unsigned char *pixels; int width; int height; int stride; }VSImage; static void vs_scanline_resample_nearest_Y (unsigned char * dest, unsigned char * src, int src_width, int n, int *accumulator, int increment) { int acc = *accumulator; int i; int j; int x; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { j = acc >> 16; x = acc & 0xffff; dest[i] = (x < 32768 || j + 1 >= src_width) ? src[j] : src[j + 1]; acc += increment; } *accumulator = acc; } static void vs_scanline_resample_linear_Y (unsigned char * dest, unsigned char * src, int src_width, int n, int *accumulator, int increment) { int acc = *accumulator; int i; int j; int x; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { j = acc >> 16; x = acc & 0xffff; if (j + 1 < src_width) dest[i] = (src[j] * (65536 - x) + src[j + 1] * x) >> 16; else dest[i] = src[j]; acc += increment; } *accumulator = acc; } static void orc_merge_linear_u8 ( unsigned char * d1, const unsigned char * s1, const unsigned char * s2, int p1, int p2, int n ) { int i; unsigned char var0; unsigned char *ptr0; unsigned char var4; const unsigned char *ptr4; unsigned char var5; const unsigned char *ptr5; const unsigned short var16 = 128; const unsigned short var17 = 8; const int var24 = p1; const int var25 = p2; unsigned short var32; unsigned short var33; unsigned short var34; unsigned short var35; unsigned short var36; ptr0 = (unsigned char *) d1; ptr4 = (unsigned char *) s1; ptr5 = (unsigned char *) s2; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { var4 = *ptr4; ptr4++; var5 = *ptr5; ptr5++; /* 0: mulubw */ var32 = (unsigned char) var4 *(unsigned char) var24; /* 1: mulubw */ var33 = (unsigned char) var5 *(unsigned char) var25; /* 2: addw */ var34 = var32 + var33; /* 3: addw */ var35 = var34 + var16; /* 4: shruw */ var36 = ((unsigned short) var35) >> var17; /* 5: convwb */ var0 = var36; *ptr0 = var0; ptr0++; } } static void vs_scanline_merge_linear_Y (unsigned char * dest, unsigned char * src1, unsigned char * src2, int n, int x) { unsigned int value = x >> 8; if (value == 0) { memcpy (dest, src1, n); } else { orc_merge_linear_u8 (dest, src1, src2, 256 - value, value, n); } } static void vs_image_scale_nearest_Y (const VSImage * dest, const VSImage * src, unsigned char * tmpbuf) { int acc; int y_increment; int x_increment; int i; int j; int xacc; if (dest->height == 1) y_increment = 0; else y_increment = ((src->height - 1) << 16) / (dest->height - 1); if (dest->width == 1) x_increment = 0; else x_increment = ((src->width - 1) << 16) / (dest->width - 1); acc = 0; for (i = 0; i < dest->height; i++) { j = acc >> 16; xacc = 0; vs_scanline_resample_nearest_Y (dest->pixels + i * dest->stride, src->pixels + j * src->stride, src->width, dest->width, &xacc, x_increment); acc += y_increment; } } static void vs_image_scale_linear_Y (const VSImage * dest, const VSImage * src, unsigned char * tmpbuf) { int acc; int y_increment; int x_increment; unsigned char *tmp1; unsigned char *tmp2; int y1; int y2; int i; int j; int x; int dest_size; int xacc; if (dest->height == 1) y_increment = 0; else y_increment = ((src->height - 1) << 16) / (dest->height - 1); if (dest->width == 1) x_increment = 0; else x_increment = ((src->width - 1) << 16) / (dest->width - 1); dest_size = dest->width; tmp1 = tmpbuf; tmp2 = tmpbuf + dest_size; acc = 0; xacc = 0; y2 = -1; vs_scanline_resample_linear_Y (tmp1, src->pixels, src->width, dest->width, &xacc, x_increment); y1 = 0; for (i = 0; i < dest->height; i++) { j = acc >> 16; x = acc & 0xffff; if (x == 0) { if (j == y1) { memcpy (dest->pixels + i * dest->stride, tmp1, dest_size); } else if (j == y2) { memcpy (dest->pixels + i * dest->stride, tmp2, dest_size); } else { xacc = 0; vs_scanline_resample_linear_Y (tmp1, src->pixels + j * src->stride, src->width, dest->width, &xacc, x_increment); y1 = j; memcpy (dest->pixels + i * dest->stride, tmp1, dest_size); } } else { if (j == y1) { if (j + 1 != y2) { xacc = 0; vs_scanline_resample_linear_Y (tmp2, src->pixels + (j + 1) * src->stride, src->width, dest->width, &xacc, x_increment); y2 = j + 1; } vs_scanline_merge_linear_Y (dest->pixels + i * dest->stride, tmp1, tmp2, dest->width, x); } else if (j == y2) { if (j + 1 != y1) { xacc = 0; vs_scanline_resample_linear_Y (tmp1, src->pixels + (j + 1) * src->stride, src->width, dest->width, &xacc, x_increment); y1 = j + 1; } vs_scanline_merge_linear_Y (dest->pixels + i * dest->stride, tmp2, tmp1, dest->width, x); } else { xacc = 0; vs_scanline_resample_linear_Y (tmp1, src->pixels + j * src->stride, src->width, dest->width, &xacc, x_increment); y1 = j; xacc = 0; vs_scanline_resample_linear_Y (tmp2, src->pixels + (j + 1) * src->stride, src->width, dest->width, &xacc, x_increment); y2 = (j + 1); vs_scanline_merge_linear_Y (dest->pixels + i * dest->stride, tmp1, tmp2, dest->width, x); } } acc += y_increment; } } //void resample_yv12(unsigned char* dest, unsigned int dest_w, unsigned int dest_h, (unsigned char* src, unsigned int src_w, unsigned int src_h, SCALE_TYPE scale_type) void resample_yv12(unsigned char* dest, unsigned int dest_w, unsigned int dest_h, unsigned char* src, unsigned int src_w, unsigned int src_h, int scale_type) { VSImage dest_y; VSImage dest_u; VSImage dest_v; VSImage src_y; VSImage src_u; VSImage src_v; unsigned char *tmp_buf = (unsigned char *)malloc(dest_w*4*2); if(tmp_buf == NULL) return; dest_y.pixels = dest; dest_y.width = dest_w; dest_y.height = dest_h; dest_y.stride = dest_w; dest_u.pixels = dest + dest_w*dest_h; dest_u.width = dest_w/2; dest_u.height = dest_h/2; dest_u.stride = dest_w/2; dest_v.pixels = dest + dest_w*dest_h*5/4; dest_v.width = dest_w/2; dest_v.height = dest_h/2; dest_v.stride = dest_w/2; src_y.pixels = src; src_y.width = src_w; src_y.height = src_h; src_y.stride = src_w; src_u.pixels = src + src_w*src_h; src_u.width = src_w/2; src_u.height = src_h/2; src_u.stride = src_w/2; src_v.pixels = src + src_w*src_h*5/4; src_v.width = src_w/2; src_v.height = src_h/2; src_v.stride = src_w/2; if(scale_type == 1)//SCALE_TYEP_NEAREST) { vs_image_scale_nearest_Y (&dest_y, &src_y, tmp_buf); vs_image_scale_nearest_Y (&dest_u, &src_u, tmp_buf); vs_image_scale_nearest_Y (&dest_v, &src_v, tmp_buf); } else if(scale_type == 2)//SCALE_TYPE_BILINEAR) { vs_image_scale_linear_Y (&dest_y, &src_y, tmp_buf); vs_image_scale_linear_Y (&dest_u, &src_u, tmp_buf); vs_image_scale_linear_Y (&dest_v, &src_v, tmp_buf); } free(tmp_buf); }
happylifer 2013-01-30
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mark ..
yzj68504 2013-01-07
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NorZ 2011-05-12
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wwb_pandan 2011-03-04
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请问LZ 您转的是YUV420P的么? 上面的代码对YV12和YUV420两种格式缩放都支持 是这样么?
伪装者1982 2011-02-10
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gdutljg 2010-12-28
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gdutljg 2010-12-28
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gdutljg 2010-12-28
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liushiyao321 2010-09-08
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测试了一下,应该是没问题的, :P,分给你了, check it
liushiyao321 2010-09-07
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今天晚上 回去测试一下,如果没问题, 明天上午给分 :)
liushiyao321 2010-09-07
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我的这个YUV420只是中间格式,上屏显示的是另一种格式, :)
dengzikun 2010-09-07
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YV12: Y V U
I420: Y U V

liushiyao321 2010-09-07
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我对多媒体的格式不是很熟悉:P, 刚刚百度一下,说YV12和YUV420的两者的U 和 V 分量是颠倒的,我不知道到这样是否是可以的? 测试中....
dengzikun 2010-09-07
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dengzikun 2010-09-07
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liushiyao321 2010-09-07
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大虾,留个msn吧,上面好像是YV12格式的啊?我要的是YUV420 :P
liushiyao321 2010-09-07
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:) 我先用一下,如果没问题,马上给分 :)
dengzikun 2010-09-07
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align 16
prefetcht0 [esi+eax+8]
prefetcht0 [edx+eax+8]

movq mm1, qword ptr[esi+eax] // top of 2 lines to interpolate
movq mm3, qword ptr[edx+eax] // 2nd of 2 lines
movq mm2, mm1 // copy top bytes
movq mm4, mm3 // copy 2nd bytes

punpcklbw mm1, mm7 // make words
punpckhbw mm2, mm7 // "
punpcklbw mm3, mm7 // "
punpckhbw mm4, mm7 // "

pmullw mm1, mm5 // mult by weighting factor
pmullw mm2, mm5 // mult by weighting factor
pmullw mm3, mm6 // mult by weighting factor
pmullw mm4, mm6 // mult by weighting factor

paddw mm1, mm3 // combine lumas
paddw mm2, mm4 // combine lumas

paddusw mm1, mm0 // round
paddusw mm2, mm0 // round

psrlw mm1, 8 // right adjust luma
psrlw mm2, 8 // right adjust luma

packuswb mm1,mm2 // pack UV's into low dword

movntq qword ptr[edi+eax], mm1 // save in our work area

lea eax, [eax+8]
dec ecx
jg vLoopSSEMMX_Fetch // if not on last one loop, prefetch
jz vLoopSSEMMX // or just loop, or not
jmp MoreSpareChange // all done with vertical

align 16
movq mm1, qword ptr[esi+eax] // top of 2 lines to interpolate
movq mm3, qword ptr[edx+eax] // 2nd of 2 lines
movq mm2, mm1 // copy top bytes
movq mm4, mm3 // copy 2nd bytes

punpcklbw mm1, mm7 // make words
punpckhbw mm2, mm7 // "
punpcklbw mm3, mm7 // "
punpckhbw mm4, mm7 // "

pmullw mm1, mm5 // mult by weighting factor
pmullw mm2, mm5 // mult by weighting factor
pmullw mm3, mm6 // mult by weighting factor
pmullw mm4, mm6 // mult by weighting factor

paddw mm1, mm3 // combine lumas
paddw mm2, mm4 // combine lumas

paddusw mm1, mm0 // round
paddusw mm2, mm0 // round

psrlw mm1, 8 // right just
psrlw mm2, 8 // right just

packuswb mm1,mm2 // pack UV's into low dword

movq qword ptr[edi+eax], mm1 // save lumas in our work area

lea eax, [eax+8]
loop vLoopMMX

// Add a little code here to check if we have more pixels to do and, if so, make one
// more pass thru vLoopMMX. We were processing in multiples of 8 pixels and alway have
// an even number so there will never be more than 7 left.
cmp eax, src_row_size // did we get them all
jnl DoHorizontal // yes, else have 2 left
mov ecx, 1 // jigger loop ct
mov eax, src_row_size
sub eax, 8 // back up to last 8 pixels
jmp vLoopMMX

// We've taken care of the vertical scaling, now do horizontal
pxor mm7, mm7
movq mm6, FPround2 // useful rounding constant, dwords
mov esi, pControl // @ horiz control bytes
mov ecx, row_size
shr ecx, 2 // 4 bytes a time, 4 pixels
mov edx, vWorkYW // our luma data
mov edi, dstp // the destination line
test SSEMMXenabledW,1 // is SSE2 supported?
jz hLoopMMX // n

// With SSE support we will make 8 pixels (from 8 pairs) at a time
shr ecx, 1 // 8 bytes a time instead of 4
jz LessThan8
align 16
// handle first 2 pixels
mov eax, [esi+16] // get data offset in pixels, 1st pixel pair
mov ebx, [esi+20] // get data offset in pixels, 2nd pixel pair
movd mm0, [edx+eax] // copy luma pair 0000xxYY
punpcklwd mm0, [edx+ebx] // 2nd luma pair, now xxxxYYYY
punpcklbw mm0, mm7 // make words out of bytes, 0Y0Y0Y0Y
mov eax, [esi+16+24] // get data offset in pixels, 3rd pixel pair
mov ebx, [esi+20+24] // get data offset in pixels, 4th pixel pair
pmaddwd mm0, [esi] // mult and sum lumas by ctl weights
paddusw mm0, mm6 // round
psrlw mm0, 8 // right just 4 luma pixel value 0Y0Y0Y0Y

// handle 3rd and 4th pixel pairs
movd mm1, [edx+eax] // copy luma pair 0000xxYY
punpcklwd mm1, [edx+ebx] // 2nd luma pair, now xxxxYYYY
punpcklbw mm1, mm7 // make words out of bytes, 0Y0Y0Y0Y
mov eax, [esi+16+48] // get data offset in pixels, 5th pixel pair
mov ebx, [esi+20+48] // get data offset in pixels, 6th pixel pair
pmaddwd mm1, [esi+24] // mult and sum lumas by ctl weights
paddusw mm1, mm6 // round
psrlw mm1, 8 // right just 4 luma pixel value 0Y0Y0Y0Y

// handle 5th and 6th pixel pairs
movd mm2, [edx+eax] // copy luma pair 0000xxYY
punpcklwd mm2, [edx+ebx] // 2nd luma pair, now xxxxYYYY
punpcklbw mm2, mm7 // make words out of bytes, 0Y0Y0Y0Y
mov eax, [esi+16+72] // get data offset in pixels, 7th pixel pair
mov ebx, [esi+20+72] // get data offset in pixels, 8th pixel pair
pmaddwd mm2, [esi+48] // mult and sum lumas by ctl weights
paddusw mm2, mm6 // round
psrlw mm2, 8 // right just 4 luma pixel value 0Y0Y0Y0Y

// handle 7th and 8th pixel pairs
movd mm3, [edx+eax] // copy luma pair
punpcklwd mm3, [edx+ebx] // 2nd luma pair
punpcklbw mm3, mm7 // make words out of bytes
pmaddwd mm3, [esi+72] // mult and sum lumas by ctl weights
paddusw mm3, mm6 // round
psrlw mm3, 8 // right just 4 luma pixel value 0Y0Y0Y0Y

// combine, store, and loop
packuswb mm0,mm1 // pack into qword, 0Y0Y0Y0Y
packuswb mm2,mm3 // pack into qword, 0Y0Y0Y0Y
packuswb mm0,mm2 // and again into YYYYYYYY
movntq qword ptr[edi], mm0 // done with 4 pixels

lea esi, [esi+96] // bump to next control bytest
lea edi, [edi+8] // bump to next output pixel addr
dec ecx
jg hLoopMMXSSE // loop for more

mov ecx, row_size
and ecx, 7 // we have done all but maybe this
shr ecx, 2 // now do only 4 bytes at a time
jz LessThan4

align 16
// handle first 2 pixels
mov eax, [esi+16] // get data offset in pixels, 1st pixel pair
mov ebx, [esi+20] // get data offset in pixels, 2nd pixel pair
movd mm0, [edx+eax] // copy luma pair 0000xxYY
punpcklwd mm0, [edx+ebx] // 2nd luma pair, now xxxxYYYY
punpcklbw mm0, mm7 // make words out of bytes, 0Y0Y0Y0Y
mov eax, [esi+16+24] // get data offset in pixels, 3rd pixel pair
mov ebx, [esi+20+24] // get data offset in pixels, 4th pixel pair
pmaddwd mm0, [esi] // mult and sum lumas by ctl weights
paddusw mm0, mm6 // round
psrlw mm0, 8 // right just 4 luma pixel value 0Y0Y0Y0Y

// handle 3rd and 4th pixel pairs
movd mm1, [edx+eax] // copy luma pair
punpcklwd mm1, [edx+ebx] // 2nd luma pair
punpcklbw mm1, mm7 // make words out of bytes
pmaddwd mm1, [esi+24] // mult and sum lumas by ctl weights
paddusw mm1, mm6 // round
psrlw mm1, 8 // right just 4 luma pixel value 0Y0Y0Y0Y

// combine, store, and loop
packuswb mm0,mm1 // pack all into qword, 0Y0Y0Y0Y
packuswb mm0,mm7 // and again into 0000YYYY
movd dword ptr[edi], mm0 // done with 4 pixels
lea esi, [esi+48] // bump to next control bytest
lea edi, [edi+4] // bump to next output pixel addr
loop hLoopMMX // loop for more

// test to see if we have a mod 4 size row, if not then more spare change
mov ecx, row_size
and ecx, 3 // remainder size mod 4
cmp ecx, 2
jl LastOne // none, done

// handle 2 more pixels
mov eax, [esi+16] // get data offset in pixels, 1st pixel pair
mov ebx, [esi+20] // get data offset in pixels, 2nd pixel pair
movd mm0, [edx+eax] // copy luma pair 0000xxYY
punpcklwd mm0, [edx+ebx] // 2nd luma pair, now xxxxYYYY
punpcklbw mm0, mm7 // make words out of bytes, 0Y0Y0Y0Y

pmaddwd mm0, [esi] // mult and sum lumas by ctl weights
paddusw mm0, mm6 // round
psrlw mm0, 8 // right just 2 luma pixel value 000Y,000Y
packuswb mm0,mm7 // pack all into qword, 00000Y0Y
packuswb mm0,mm7 // and again into 000000YY
movd dword ptr[edi], mm0 // store, we are guarrenteed room in buffer (8 byte mult)
sub ecx, 2
lea esi, [esi+24] // bump to next control bytest
lea edi, [edi+2] // bump to next output pixel addr

// maybe one last pixel
cmp ecx, 0 // still more?
jz AllDone // n, done

mov eax, [esi+16] // get data offset in pixels, 1st pixel pair
movd mm0, [edx+eax] // copy luma pair 0000xxYY
punpcklbw mm0, mm7 // make words out of bytes, xxxx0Y0Y

pmaddwd mm0, [esi] // mult and sum lumas by ctl weights
paddusw mm0, mm6 // round
psrlw mm0, 8 // right just 2 luma pixel value xxxx000Y
movd eax, mm0
mov byte ptr[edi], al // store last one

pop ecx
} // done with one line
dstp += dst_pitch;

void SimpleResize::resize(BYTE* src,BYTE* dst)
BYTE* srcp;
unsigned char* dstp;
int src_pitch;
int dst_pitch;
int height;

srcp = src;
dstp = dst;
src_pitch = oldwidth;
dst_pitch = newwidth;
height = newheight;

GetFrame_YV12(srcp, dstp,src_pitch, dst_pitch,
1, height);

// Next, the U plane
srcp += oldwidth*oldheight;
dstp += newwidth*newheight;
src_pitch = oldwidth>>1;
dst_pitch = newwidth>>1;
height = newheight>>1;

GetFrame_YV12(srcp, dstp,src_pitch, dst_pitch,
2, height);

// And the V plane, same sizes as U, different locations
srcp += oldwidth*oldheight/4;
dstp += newwidth*newheight/4;

GetFrame_YV12(srcp, dstp,src_pitch, dst_pitch,
3, height);

dengzikun 2010-09-07
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// SimpleResize.cpp: implementation of the SimpleResize class.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "malloc.h"
#include "SimpleResize.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
#define new DEBUG_NEW

// Construction/Destruction

SimpleResize::SimpleResize(long oldw,long oldh, long neww,long newh)

vOffsetsUV = (unsigned int*)_aligned_malloc(newheight*4,128);
vWeightsUV = (unsigned int*)_aligned_malloc(newheight*4,128);

hControl = (unsigned int*) _aligned_malloc(newwidth*12+128,128);
vWorkY = (unsigned int*) _aligned_malloc(2*oldwidth+128,128);
vWorkUV = (unsigned int*)_aligned_malloc(oldwidth+128,128);
vOffsets = (unsigned int*) _aligned_malloc(newheight*4,128);
vWeights = (unsigned int*) _aligned_malloc(newheight*4,128);






void SimpleResize::InitTables_YV12(void)
int i;
int j;
int k;
int wY1;
int wY2;

// First set up horizontal table, use for both luma & chroma since
// it seems to have the same equation.
// We will geneerate these values in pairs, mostly because that's the way
// I wrote it for YUY2 above.

for(i=0; i < newwidth; i+=2)
// first make even pixel control
j = i * 256 * (oldwidth-1) / (newwidth-1);

k = j>>8;
wY2 = j - (k << 8); // luma weight of right pixel
wY1 = 256 - wY2; // luma weight of left pixel

if (k > oldwidth - 2)
hControl[i*3+4] = oldwidth - 1; // point to last byte
hControl[i*3] = 0x00000100; // use 100% of rightmost Y
hControl[i*3+4] = k; // pixel offset
hControl[i*3] = wY2 << 16 | wY1; // luma weights

// now make odd pixel control
j = (i+1) * 256 * (oldwidth-1) / (newwidth-1);

k = j>>8;
wY2 = j - (k << 8); // luma weight of right pixel
wY1 = 256 - wY2; // luma weight of left pixel

if (k > oldwidth - 2)
hControl[i*3+5] = oldwidth - 1; // point to last byte
hControl[i*3+1] = 0x00000100; // use 100% of rightmost Y
hControl[i*3+5] = k; // pixel offset
hControl[i*3+1] = wY2 << 16 | wY1; // luma weights

hControl[newwidth*3+4] = 2 * (oldwidth-1); // give it something to prefetch at end
hControl[newwidth*3+5] = 2 * (oldwidth-1); // "
hControl[newwidth*3+4] = 2 * (oldwidth-1); // give it something to prefetch at end
hControl[newwidth*3+5] = 2 * (oldwidth-1); // "

// Next set up vertical tables. The offsets are measured in lines and will be mult
// by the source pitch later .

// For YV12 we need separate Luma and chroma tables
// First Luma Table

for(i=0; i< newheight; ++i)
j = i * 256 * (oldheight-1) / (newheight-1);
k = j >> 8;
vOffsets[i] = k;
wY2 = j - (k << 8);
vWeights[i] = wY2; // weight to give to 2nd line

// Vertical table for chroma
for(i=0; i< newheight/2; ++i)
j = (int) ( (i+.25) * 256 * (oldheight-1) / (newheight-1.0) - 64 );
k = j >> 8;
vOffsetsUV[i] = k;
wY2 = j - (k << 8);
vWeightsUV[i] = wY2; // weight to give to 2nd line

void SimpleResize::GetFrame_YV12(BYTE* src, BYTE* dst, int srcpitch,int dstpitch,int Planar_Type,int dstheight)
int vWeight1[4];
int vWeight2[4];
const __int64 YMask[2] = {0x00ff00ff00ff00ff,0x00ff00ff00ff00ff}; // keeps only luma
const __int64 FPround1[2] = {0x0080008000800080,0x0080008000800080}; // round words
const __int64 FPround2[2] = {0x0000008000000080,0x0000008000000080};// round dwords
const __int64 FPround4 = 0x0080008000800080;// round words

const BYTE* srcp = src;
const BYTE* srcp2W = srcp;
BYTE* dstp=dst;
BYTE* dstp2 = dst;

const int src_pitch = srcpitch;
const int dst_pitch = dstpitch;
const int src_row_size = srcpitch;
const int row_size = dstpitch;
const int height = dstheight;

const unsigned int* pControl = &hControl[0];
const unsigned char* srcp1;
const unsigned char* srcp2;
unsigned int* vWorkYW = vWorkY;

unsigned int* vOffsetsW = (Planar_Type == 1)
? vOffsets
: vOffsetsUV;

unsigned int* vWeightsW = (Planar_Type == 1)
? vWeights
: vWeightsUV;

bool SSE2enabledW = 0; // in local storage for asm
bool SSEMMXenabledW = 1; // in local storage for asm

// Just in case things are not aligned right, maybe turn off sse2

for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)

vWeight1[0] = vWeight1[1] = vWeight1[2] = vWeight1[3] =
(256-vWeightsW[y]) << 16 | (256-vWeightsW[y]);
vWeight2[0] = vWeight2[1] = vWeight2[2] = vWeight2[3] =
vWeightsW[y] << 16 | vWeightsW[y];

srcp1 = srcp + vOffsetsW[y] * src_pitch;

srcp2 = (y < height-1)
? srcp1 + src_pitch
: srcp1;

push ecx // have to save this?
mov ecx, src_row_size
shr ecx, 3 // 8 bytes a time
mov esi, srcp1 // top of 2 src lines to get
mov edx, srcp2 // next "
mov edi, vWorkYW // luma work destination line
xor eax, eax

// Let's check here to see if we are on a P4 or higher and can use SSE2 instructions.
// This first loop is not the performance bottleneck anyway but it is trivial to tune
// using SSE2 if we have proper alignment.

test SSE2enabledW,1 // is SSE2 supported?
jz vMaybeSSEMMX // n, can't do anyway

cmp ecx, 2 // we have at least 16 byts, 2 qwords?
jl vMaybeSSEMMX // n, don't bother

mov ebx, esi
or ebx, edx
test ebx, 0xf // both src rows 16 byte aligned?
jnz vMaybeSSEMMX // n, don't use sse2

shr ecx, 1 // do 16 bytes at a time instead
dec ecx // jigger loop ct
align 16
movdqu xmm0, FPround1
movdqu xmm5, vWeight1
movdqu xmm6, vWeight2
pxor xmm7, xmm7

align 16
prefetcht0 [esi+eax*2+16]
prefetcht0 [edx+eax*2+16]

movdqu xmm1, xmmword ptr[esi+eax] // top of 2 lines to interpolate
movdqu xmm3, xmmword ptr[edx+eax] // 2nd of 2 lines
movdqa xmm2, xmm1
movdqa xmm4, xmm3

punpcklbw xmm1, xmm7 // make words
punpckhbw xmm2, xmm7 // "
punpcklbw xmm3, xmm7 // "
punpckhbw xmm4, xmm7 // "

pmullw xmm1, xmm5 // mult by top weighting factor
pmullw xmm2, xmm5 // "
pmullw xmm3, xmm6 // mult by bot weighting factor
pmullw xmm4, xmm6 // "

paddw xmm1, xmm3 // combine lumas low
paddw xmm2, xmm4 // combine lumas high

paddusw xmm1, xmm0 // round
paddusw xmm2, xmm0 // round

psrlw xmm1, 8 // right adjust luma
psrlw xmm2, 8 // right adjust luma

packuswb xmm1, xmm2 // pack words to our 16 byte answer
movntdq xmmword ptr[edi+eax], xmm1 // save lumas in our work area

lea eax, [eax+16]
dec ecx // don
jg vLoopSSE2_Fetch // if not on last one loop, prefetch
jz vLoopSSE2 // or just loop, or not

// done with our SSE2 fortified loop but we may need to pick up the spare change
mov ecx, src_row_size // get count again
and ecx, 0x0000000f // just need mod 16
movq mm5, vWeight1
movq mm6, vWeight2
movq mm0, FPround1 // useful rounding constant
shr ecx, 3 // 8 bytes at a time, any?
jz MoreSpareChange // n, did them all

// Let's check here to see if we are on a P2 or Athlon and can use SSEMMX instructions.
// This first loop is not the performance bottleneck anyway but it is trivial to tune
// using SSE if we have proper alignment.
movq mm5, vWeight1
movq mm6, vWeight2
movq mm0, FPround1 // useful rounding constant
pxor mm7, mm7
test SSEMMXenabledW,1 // is SSE supported?
jz vLoopMMX // n, can't do anyway
dec ecx // jigger loop ctr




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